Immediately following the 152nd Anniversary Convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the newly elected Grand Lodge began a discussion about the future of Theta Xi. In that discussion, the members of the Grand Lodge recognized the value in undergoing a strategic planning process to lay the course for the fraternity for the next five years. That plan was adopted in 2017 and guided the Fraternity through 2022.
After celebrating the accomplishments of the previous plan, the Grand Lodge decided to draft a new plan that would shepherd Theta Xi, strategically, into 2026.
Grand Lodge members and Headquarters staff met in Atlanta, Georgia on March 19, 2022, to develop the next strategic plan for the Fraternity. Ginny Carroll, a consultant that has worked with Theta Xi over the past 5 years on strategic planning, facilitated the planning process.
At this strategy meeting, the Grand Lodge used trend analyses and demographic data to formulate three strategic focus areas for the Fraternity:
- Elevate the Member Experience
- Broadly Communicate Relevance
- Grow Strategically
These three areas provide the framework for advancing Theta Xi Fraternity through 2026.
Strategic Focus 1: Elevate the Member Experience
Theta Xi Fraternity will elevate the member experience through meaningful skill development, personal recognition, and increased pride in the Fraternity.
Key Focus areas:
- Re-imagine the Theta Xi membership experience into a Quest for lifelong personal development.
- Transform Theta Xi Headquarters as a destination for brothers and friends to visit, to gather, and to work.
Strategic Focus 2: Broadly Communicate Relevance
Theta Xi Fraternity will connect our brothers through a shared identity, by maximizing communication, and employing relevant technology.
Key Focus areas:
- Establish and execute a national brand identity
- Implement modern and innovative technology to enhance Fraternity processes
Strategic Focus 3: Grow Strategically
Theta Xi Fraternity will grow the membership through data-driven research and practices.
Key Focus areas:
- Increase membership in current chapters
- Expand the Chapter Roll
- Diversify revenue for long-term stability